Supporting Mental Health in Schools

Overall, it is estimated that one in ten children and young people have a diagnosable mental disorder – the equivalent of three pupils in every classroom across the country. Therefore schools are a vital part of a wider systems approach to promoting positive mental wellbeing and preventing mental illness in children and young people (CYP).

You can click here to view the research and analysis documents “Supporting mental health in schools and colleges.”

Some questions that governing boards could consider are:

  • How does our school understand their role in supporting pupils’ mental health?
  • What does our school do to promote positive mental health and wellbeing among their pupils?
  • How does our school identify pupils with particular mental health needs?
  • What support does our school offer for pupils with identified needs?
  • How does our school fund their provision?
  • What plans and policies are in place to support mental health provision?
  • How does our school work with external services to support pupils’ mental health?
  • What challenges does our school face?


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