New Primary History Teacher Network

Following a consultation process with current practitioners, and partially funded by West Midlands Museum Development, Heritage & Culture Warwickshire are piloting the Warwickshire Heritage Learning Primary History Teacher Network. Their aims are to help invigorate History curriculums, provide access to History experts and share ideas with like-minded individuals in a mutually beneficial collaboration between schools and Warwickshire Heritage Learning.

Currently planned are 3 sessions at St Johns Museum, Warwick covering topics identified by teachers 

  • February 2023: History in a Curriculum of Hope with Debra Kidd

Leading educational author and consultant Debra will provide a practical session in concept driven curriculum design, mapping progression and preparing for the ‘deep dive’ into History. Checkout her resume: Love Learning by Debra Kidd 

  • April 2023: Leading Your History Curriculum

Covering the principles of subject leadership, we will be developing and enhancing individual history curriculums through collaboration.  

Price:  £25 per person.

? WHL Primary History Teacher Network Booking

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