Virtual School training for designated teachers of CLA and CPLA

‘Inclusive responses to behaviour that challenges’ is a full day training course for teachers. Children who are expressing their experiences and anxieties through their behaviour often put pressure on resources and leave staff struggling for answers.

This course will provide opportunities for problem-solving and promoting positive approaches to addressing social, emotional and mental health needs of Children Looked After (CLA) and Children Previously Looked After (CPLA).

When and where

Wednesday 15 January 2020, Bulkington Village Centre, 9am – 4pm


Thursday 19 March 2020, Pound Lane Learning Centre, 9am – 4pm

Who can attend?

Places are free for all Warwickshire schools and settings and to those outside of Warwickshire with Warwickshire CLA on roll.

How do I book?

To book a place on either of the above dates please email virtualschool@warwickshire.gov.uk or phone 01926 742018.

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