Key points of 2019 Ofsted Inspection Framework
Colleagues from Education and Learning recently attended a session organised by the Griffin Teaching School Alliance for headteachers on the Ofsted Inspection Framework coming in 2019.
The presentation was given by James McNeillie HMI, Assistant Regional Director for the West Midlands and he was happy for us to share some of the key points below with all Warwickshire headteachers. Copies of the most up to date slides are available at:
Key messages from James McNeillie HMI:
- Ofsted’s working hypothesis for the judgements in a section 5 inspection are: quality of education; behaviour and attitudes; personal development; and leadership and management.
- Ofsted are proposing to keep the four graded judgements as they are now.
- Ofsted believes that the current exemption from routine inspections for outstanding schools should be reconsidered by the Department for Education.
- The curriculum will be at the heart of the new framework – but there will not be any ‘Ofsted curriculum’.
- Ofsted are proposing that we will consider including any ‘off-rolling’ within the judgements we make.
- Early in the spring term, Ofsted will be launching a full consultation on the new framework, including draft handbooks.
- The new framework will be piloted in the spring term in schools willing to volunteer. These will be 'friendly' pilots with no changes to the school’s overall effectiveness grade.
There has been a good initial response to volunteers willing to pilot the new framework however if you are interested in being involved please email We will keep a list of any schools interested and pass this on to Ofsted if they require any more schools to take part in the pilot.
The role of the teaching of reading
Some key points for schools to consider in relation to the role of the teaching of reading when considered on inspection. These will be tailored to the specific issues identified in the school:
- How does the school teach pupils to read? How do leaders know it is working?
- What is the content of the phonics programme and how do leaders know it is effective?
- How have leaders created experts in the teaching of reading?
- What is the headteacher's role in the teaching of reading?
- How do leaders ensure that pupils make speedy progress in reading? How do leaders ensure that pupils do not get left behind in reading?
- How is pupils' language comprehension developed in Early Years and Key Stage 1?
- How do teachers make sure that pupils read words accurately?
- How do teachers ensure pupils build fluency in reading?
- How do leaders ensure that pupils read widely and often?
Helping to support School Business Managers
We are currently exploring networking opportunities for School Business Managers to share expertise and provide support.
We would like to gather information on current and future support requirements in the area and to enable us to do this it would be helpful if schools could answer four brief questions on our online survey.
Please follow the link below to complete the survey:
School Business Manager Networks
For any queries please contact