Warwickshire County Council highlights support for victims of honour-based abuse on National Day of Remembrance

Warwickshire County Council and its partners including Warwickshire Police Equip and Refuge, paused to remember Warwickshire victims of honour-based abuse and reiterate the message to Warwickshire victim-survivors, #YouAreNotAlone help, and support is available to you.

The National Day of Remembrance (14 July 2022) came about as a result of 17-year-old Shafilea Ahmed, who was murdered by her parents because she refused a forced marriage.

Forced marriage and honour-based abuse are examples of activity known as Harmful Practices. Other forms of Harmful Practices include, but are not limited to:

  • Murder (so-called honour killings)
  • Female genital mutilation (FGM)

Warwickshire County Council and its partners work closely with agencies both locally and across the UK, to ensure the perpetrators of these illegal crimes are reprimanded with a custodial sentence.

Signs that a young person maybe a victim of honour-based abuse: 

  • Do older adults in the family talk on behalf of a person?
  • Is the person travelling to a country with a higher risk of forced marriage or FGM?
  • Is the person travelling abroad for a wedding or special event?
  • Is the person concerned they may not return to college or school?
  • Does the person seem anxious or scared or are they vulnerable?
  • Consider if “honour” is held high within their community.

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