Best tips for KS1 and KS2 writing assessment

Two clear summaries to help with writing assessment

All of the information you need to make your writing assessments is in the Interim Teacher Assessment Frameworks statements for this year, on the Standards and Testing Agency (STA) website or on the STA YouTube video. However....it is quite confusing! There is information / clarification / and further clarification... and there are two very clear summaries that explain this really well, that it may be worth sharing with your schools, along with some advice from Rosie Parker and Judy McDonagh, our two LA moderation leads.

The first is from RS Assessment, Hodder and Staunton: 6 things you need to know:


The second is from Herts For Learning and ......says ADD LOV(v)E:


Finally, some advice and guidance from Rosie and Judy as promised:

'.....Particular Weakness...' 

We need to emphasise to teachers that the particular weaknesses are found WITHIN the statement - and are most definitely NOT the statement itself. Therefore re: weaknesses in spelling - they are particular weaknesses within the spelling statement but the qualifier must be maintained - so if it says 'Mostly correctly', then the child spells words correctly most of the time with only an occasional error. 

For example in spelling at KS1 the child might, on occasion, misspell the 'ed' suffix and write just 'd'. Or on occasion confuse 'which' and 'witch'. On occasion the child might fail to use a capital letter for the pronoun 'I' -  and need to be prompted for all these things, when writing. 

At KS2, the child might confuse the homophones 'there', 'their' and 'they’re' or it’s and it’s. Or on occasion he might mis-spell the prefix 'dis' - as in disapears or confuse the endings -tion and -sion. 


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