Reminder: Survey for Year 6 - 13 - Impact of Social Media on Young People’s Health and Wellbeing in Warwickshire

Following the previous email to your schools, WCC Public Health are seeking support from all Warwickshire Schools with the final part of our research project. We have created a short online survey which explores the impact of social media on young people’s health and wellbeing, and we would appreciate your help in encouraging all students in years 6-13 to complete it.
We have already worked with some schools in Warwickshire to inform this research. Some schools suggested that to ensure a good response rate the survey could be made available as homework for young people either via your online systems or to circulate the survey as you see appropriate.
To complete the survey please share the link with all students -
The survey is open until 29th March 2018.
About this research
We know the majority of young people aged 10 -18 years old are using social media. Recently there has been research which explores this nationally and highlights both the positive and negative effects on health and wellbeing. Directors of Public Health have a statutory requirement to produce an annual report on the health and wellbeing of the local population. I have chosen to focus my 2018 report on this topic.
Why are we surveying young people?
This survey provides young people with the chance to have their say on the impact that social media is having on their health and wellbeing. Understanding their experiences will enable us make comparisons with the national findings. We would also hope to make recommendations to provide information, guidance and support to young people, professionals, parents/carers.
This is a great opportunity for your school community to have its say on this important topic and we would really value your support.
Information about the survey
Please click here to download an information sheet which can be shared with parents/carers.
Please click here to download information sheet for young people.
For more information contact
Food for Life programme helps to 'close the gap'

Evidence points towards Food for Life’s potential to contribute to helping ‘close the gap’ for disadvantaged children in terms of their health and academic attainment.
Soil Association Food for Life is an evidence based programme which has been shown to improve children’s health, positively impact wider attainment, support local enterprise and tackle inequalities in local communities.
Our Early Years Award provides an independent endorsement for nurseries and children’s centres that serve good quality, nutritious food and support the babies and children in their care to develop good eating habits for life.
Our School Award supports schools to take a whole school approach that sees them grow their own food; organise trips to farms; provide cooking and growing clubs for pupils and their families; serve freshly prepared, well-sourced meals and provide an attractive dining environment.
The Food for Life programme achieves some amazing results, but don’t just take our word for it! Read the findings of independent evaluations and hear from the people directly involved: and
Thanks to Public Health Warwickshire your school and/or Early Years setting may be eligible for a FREE SA Food for Life package including resources, training and 1-1 support.
For more information or to register for your free package please contact Local Programme Manager, Valerie Meehan, on 07736 888462 or email