Annual Governing Board Membership Return Reminder

As a Local Authority we hold a database of maintained school governing boards. Such information is needed for governor recruitment purposes, in cases of urgency, safeguarding, Ofsted inspections, and schools where there is a cause for concern.

Recording of names and categories of all governors, including vacancies, are also requested in order to effectively identify and manage the nomination process for any vacant LA or other governor posts.  Clerks are responsible for supplying the information using the Governing Board Details Form.

For the reasons listed above, we also ask our Academy colleagues (especially from those who subscribe to our services) to provide us with their governor details with as, the minimum, contact details for the Chair of Governors and Clerk.

All data is stored and accessed in accordance with the Data Protection Act. The only piece of information we can give out publicly is the name of the Chair of the Governing board, which is already in the public domain. We do not give out personal contact details or any other information.

With contact details frequently changing we ask Clerks to notify us of changes made and on an annual basis we contact all schools and academies to provide us with their current GB Membership.

In October 2017 we emailed all schools / academies asking for the contact information but we are still waiting for 100 clerks to reply to us.  If you haven’t returned your Annual form, please can you complete it and send it back to governors@warwickshire.gov.uk

We often send out communications from the LA to all schools and having up to date contact details helps you and certainly helps us to be better informed about local and national issues.


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