Warwickshire news

A news update from Warwickshire Parent Carer Forum:

Family Voice Warwickshire are pleased to announce we are now operating under a new name. As Warwickshire Parent Carer Forum we will continue to represent all families with children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities aged 0 to 25 in Warwickshire.

Under our new name we will be focused on listening to our members and reaching out to new members, making better connections with support groups, and making sure everyone who wants to volunteer in the forum gets the right support.

Warwickshire Parent Carer Forum will make sure we listen to what families have say and we will continue to meet regularly with Warwickshire County Council to pass on that information and to try and improve services for our children and young people.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/Warksparentcarerforum
Twitter: www.twitter.com/WarksPCarerF

Networking event for oganisations working with young people in Rugby

Warwickshire Community and Voluntary Action (WCAVA) and the Warwickshire County Council Localities and Partnership's Rugby Area Team are jointly hosting a networking event for individuals, groups and organisations that work with children and young people across Rugby Borough.

This will take place on Thursday 22 June 2017 between 10am and 12noon at Dunchurch Sportsfield and Village Hall, CV22 6PN.

The purpose of the event is to promote the variety of work that is available across the borough to support children and young people. It will also provide the opportunity to network with other staff and volunteers from a range of organisations and professions - and find out more about some of the great projects for children and young people across Rugby. 

If you would like a stand at this event, please complete eventbrite booking form via the link below. We would ask that you arrive at the venue between 9.30-9.50am to set up prior to the 10am start.
We are keen to reach as many people as possible, and would like to encourage anyone who works with children and young people (or their families) to attend. So please share this invitation with your wider networks and encourage any parents, individuals, professionals or groups that might benefit from learning more about whats on offer to attend.

It is not necessary to book just to attend the event (without a display) - so please feel free to just turn up on the day!

Excellence in Education event

VIP invitation to Early Years, Primary and Secondary headteachers / deputy headteachers to:

Warwick University's Warwick and Schools Partnership Conference - Excellence in Education keynote lectures

Date: Thursday 22 June 2017

Time: 9am - 11am 

Venue: Oculus Building, Central Campus, The University of Warwick, CV4 7AL

Arrival from 8am with coffee and networking.

Reserved parking, free refreshments, inspiring keynote speakers and networking opportunities with school leaders from across the Warwick and Schools Partnership and beyond.

Please RSVP to http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/cpe/students-partners/pintra/partnerevents/







Refreshments will be provided throughout the day.

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