Public Health

Warwickshire population data 2015/2016: Health Needs Assessment for reception and year six school aged children

Message from John Linnane, Director of Public Health and Rachel Bundock, Director of Children & Young People's Services and Executive Director, COMPASS

An integral part of the School Health and Wellbeing service is the universal contacts the team has with every school aged child including parents/carers. These are delivered via health questionnaires: at school entry (aged 4 to 5 years); and Year 6 (aged 10 to 11 years) to identify health related needs at individual, school, locality and population levels.

As a universal health service for school aged children (5-19/25 years with SEND), we believe it is important to share with partner agencies the aggregated population data that can help contribute to your own needs assessment, service planning and development on an annual basis.

The population data reports cover a range of topics: Universal Health, Risk & Protective Factors, Family Health, Emotional health & Wellbeing, Lifestyle Choices, Services & Choices. The year six questionnaire has an additional lifestyle behaviours section that includes alcohol, smoking, drug use, solvent use and transition & feelings.

Both reports can be accessed via the website under “Identified Health Needs in Warwickshire”:


The population data results for 2015/2016 are based on the following completion rates:

  • School entry - 1638 completed questionnaire out of 6405 eligible children (25%)
  • Year six - 4653 completed questionnaires out of 5757 eligible children (80%)

Further information on the achievements and outcomes of the service for 2015/2016 can be found in the School Health and Wellbeing Service - Year 1: Annual Report 2015/2016.

We do hope you find the reports useful. If you have any suggestions for how we can improve these reports for 2016/2017 please do contact Matt Conibere, Compass Service Manager Compass (warwickshireSH&WBService@compass-uk.org) or Kate Sahota, Commissioning Lead, Health Improvement katesahota@warwickshire.gov.uk .

We anticipate the 2016/2017 population data results will be available from the end of May 2017. Our school entry completion rate stands at 42% and Year 6 stands at 91%.

Illness related school attendance guidance

Warwickshire County Council and Coventry City Council Public Health departments have produced some clear guidance in response to the need for consistent infection control advice for families and staff who work in schools and other childcare settings
The poster provides a summary of the current Public Health England guidance on infection control in schools and other childcare settings.
We are aware of a few recent cases where families have been advised by the GP to keep children off school, which may be contrary to the Public Health England guidance. If you do experience this in your school, please can you alert  Kate Sahota (Commissioning Lead, Health Improvement) in the first instance in order for us to take the appropriate steps to minimise unnecessary absences:
Kate Sahota
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