WE1 Early Years

Training and CPD for early years practitioners

Warwickshire Early Years Bringing Quality to LifeWarwickshire Teaching School Alliance concentrates on what works in early years education, so educators and leaders improve through encounters with excellent practice within and beyond their immediate environment.

This continuing professional development service is led via an online platform called 'Warwickshire Early Years – Bringing Quality to Life’. In the past 24 months over 2,000 practitioners have attended training.

This offer includes statutory training such as first aid and safeguarding training, as well as courses related to improving the quality of teaching and learning. 

Upcoming courses

Performance Management for Support Staff - 20 June 2019, 9.30am - 1pm

Cost - £45

The Performance Management Review process for Support Staff - looking at a process for enabling school support staff to be more effectively performance managed, to enable more clearly defined, relevant personal / business objectives to be cascaded, and support staff to gain a greater understanding of the importance and expected standards within their role. This course will provide School Business Managers and other Line Managers with an understanding of the process and how to effectively implement it, to ensure transparency and consistency.

If you would like to book a place on the above course, please call 07795 367337 or email Helen Axon on axon.h1@welearn365.com

Positive Behaviour, Positive Children - 3 July 2019, 9.30am - 12.30pm, Warwick

Cost - £45

This is an invaluable short course for anyone working with children in settings for under fives. 

The course promotes new approaches to managing behaviour that have been tested in numerous projects across the UK and has had an overwhelmingly positive benefit on the wellbeing of the children, as well as the wellbeing of the staff. It teaches a common-sense approach with useful tips that every learner can directly employ themselves the next time they work with children.

How many times have learners been on a course and thought, “that’s all very well but it wouldn’t work with our children”? This course only teaches methods that actually work in a front line situation. Simple methods that can really work and a tutor that has actually experienced the behaviour described, make this course an essential introduction to positive behaviour.

Course Aims

  • To promote positive behaviour for children under five
  • To highlight a series of practical solutions for dealing with negative behaviour
  • To illustrate how to use positive behaviour techniques to extend and improve play
  • To inspire learners to spend less time on maintaining behaviour and more on having fun.

This course meets the following:

  • EYFS areas of learning and development – Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language
  • Characteristics of Effective Learning – Playing and Exploring, Active Learning, Creating and Thinking Critically
  • Play Types – NA 

Book this course

The full training programme can be accessed at www.warwickshireearlyyears.co.uk


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