WE3 Family of schools

The Key services - significant discount for WCC schools

The Key

Good news for Warwickshire schools and settings!  We will be continuing to work in partnership with The Key to offer a significant discount for 2019-20 subscriptions to their support services.

Schools that currently subscribe to the service, and those who wish to join from April 2019, can benefit from a 25% discount off the usual rate for The Key for School Leaders and The Key for School Governors. 

The service aims to free up your time to focus on improving pupil outcomes by providing an online resource of articles providing up-to-date information on the latest policy developments in education, as well as templates, checklists and model policies that can be adapted for use in your school or setting.  There is also an unlimited ‘ask the expert’ service for any questions that are not easily answered by searching their existing content.

The offer also includes a 15% discount on the new Safeguarding Training Centre.

For more information on the benefits and cost of the service to your school, please see the attached information sheet.

What next?

If you would like to benefit from the discounted rate available, please contact The Key at enquiries@thekeysupport.com by 1 April 2019. You can also contact The Key directly if you have any questions by phone on 0800 061 4500

Ofsted pilot and consultation

Invitation to join Ofsted pilot

A reminder to schools, if you are interested in taking part in a pilot Ofsted under the new framework, please email sophiethompson@warwickshire.gov.uk and your details will be passed on to Ofsted. 

Consultation on new framework

Ofsted is currently consulting on the new inspection framework. There are some significant differences to the current framework for schools:

  • Maintained schools and academies waiting to be brokered or re-brokered will receive monitoring visits within nine months
  • The quality of education will be assessed by looking at the intent, implementation and the impact of the school’s curriculum, teaching and the outcomes achieved
  • The new framework has a keen eye on gaming, exclusions and off-rolling as well as arrangements for pupils accessing off-site or alternative provision
  • The safeguarding section has also been expanded to include information on the segregation of pupils whilst in school.

The consultation runs until 11.45pm on 5 April 2019.  

Education Inspection Framework Consultation

Draft copies of the inspection handbooks 

The proposals will affect how Ofsted inspects schools, early years settings and further education and skills providers. 

Spring Term Headteachers' Conference

Headteachers Conference

Join us on Thursday 21 March 2019 for the spring term Headteachers' Conference.

Time: 8.30am - 12.30pm

Venue: Stareton Hall, Stoneleigh Park, Stoneleigh, Kenilworth, CV8 2LZ

Register now to confirm your place 

On the agenda

In light of the proposed OFSTED Inspection Framework reforms for 2019, which promises to make sure that inspection 'values and rewards those who educate effectively and act with integrity’, we are delighted to have as our key note speaker HMCI Amanda Spielman, who will be participating in a question and answer session.

We are also hoping that there will be the opportunity to hear from local leaders or OFSTED-trained colleagues who have been involved in pilot inspections using the new framework. Finally, we will provide our regular LA update.

A full agenda will follow.

Put your questions to Amanda

We are taking questions for Amanda prior to the conference. Please submit your question/s in advance using the form below and we will make every effort to have as many of them answered during the event.

Submit your question to Amanda Spielman HMCI

Who should attend?

Please note due to venue restrictions this invitation is for headteachers or their senior representatives only.


This is a free CPD and networking opportunity.


Please email schoolpartnerships@warwickshire.gov.uk with any queries.

We look forward to seeing you all there.

Teaching School Contacts

Teaching Schools take a leading role in the training and professional development of teachers, support staff and headteachers. They also contribute to the raising of standards through school-to-school support.

Warwickshire currently has 11 Teaching Schools with a range of programmes and training to help deliver school improvement.

The attached list of contacts for each of the Teaching Schools may be helpful should you wish to discuss any support needs or specific requests. 

Further information is also online at: https://i.warwickshire.gov.uk/content/teaching-schools/teaching-schools

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