Every term the local authority holds briefings to update leaders of education in Warwickshire on key local and national developments. External speakers are invited to share expertise and to provide professional development opportunities. The meetings are also an opportunity for headteachers from across the county to network, share good practice and develop collaborative working. The briefings are FREE to attend and are open to all LA maintained and academy mainstream and special schools, Free Schools and Further Education and Sixth Form Colleges in Warwickshire.
We will be trialling a cross-phase briefing in the autumn term as this will enable us to invite more high-profile speakers and presenters to deliver keynote speeches and workshops with a specific focus. It also provides a rare opportunity for colleagues across all phases of education to network and share good practice.
Briefings will be structured around a particular theme to keep them focused and meaningful. We will still include the key updates from the local authority.
Booking details will be circulated in the next newsletter and via email to all headteachers.
Autumn Term: Mental Health and Wellbeing
Tuesday 7th November 2017
Venue: Stoneleigh Abbey, Kenilworth, CV8 2LF
Spring Term: (Theme tbc)
Tuesday 6th March 2018
Venue tbc.
Summer Term: (Theme tbc)
Thursday 28th June 2018
Venue tbc.