RE Agreed Syllabus Launch Event

Warwickshire and Coventry SACREs (Standing Advisory Council on Religous Education) held a successful fourth event on Monday 20th November at the Gurdwara Sahib in Leamington to introduce schools to the new agreed syllabus for Religious Education. 46 schools from Warwickshire and Coventry including both primary and secondary schools, attended the event. Feedback on the day was positive. 

This follows three successful events when the new syllabus was officially launched in July.  The additional event gave teachers who were unable to attend in the summer an opportunity to receive their copy of the syllabus and to learn practical strategies for introducing this in their classrooms. 
A total of 173 (80% of those eligible) Warwickshire schools have attended across the four events.
To access the RE Agreed Syllabus and other resources for Religious Education, go to www.warwickshire.gov.uk/sacreresources.
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