Updating your school contact details
The start of a new school year inevitably brings with it lots of changes, in particular with staffing, so we would like to take this opportunity to ensure the contact details we hold for you are the most up-to-date.
We would therefore be grateful if you could email any changes, specifically to admin and headteacher email addresses, through to our Insight Service: insight@warwickshire.gov.uk.
The DfE also require any changes to be made to their Get Information About Schools website as this information is used throughout their reporting (including the school performance tables) so it's important that school names, type and headteacher details in particular are accurate.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Autumn Term Headteachers Conference
![Headteachers Conference Autumn 2019](/img/825/)
![Register Now](/img/826/)
We hope you will join us at our Autumn Term Headteachers Conference, which is taking place at Stoneleigh Park on Tuesday 22 October 2019, 9am to 3.30pm.
We will launch our renewed approach to Early Help in support of the safeguarding and wellbeing of children and young people. There will be practical advice and support, together with sharing of great family support practice.
We will also be hearing from Ivan Humble whose fascinating story shows how restorative narratives have the power to transform lives: not only supporting people to move on from harm or trauma, but also building a climate of tolerance, resilience, hope and empathy.
This is a free CPD and networking opportunity.
How to register
Please confirm your attendance using the online booking form.
Further information
Please email schoolpartnerships@warwickshire.gov.uk with any queries or for further information.
You said, we did - improvements to Your HR
We would like to thank everyone who has provided feedback and given their time to share their experiences of using Your HR and what we can do to make life easier for you in schools.
We are committed to working with you to make improvements to our service to ensure it meets your needs and during the summer the team has been working hard to implement changes as a result of the feedback received.
Developments include the roll-out of a simplified process for new starters with a much shorter form - one page instead of 17 - which has already received positive feedback from the schools who used this last term.
We have also introduced new and enhanced reports to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information on employees including pension scheme information and working pattern changes and in response to your requests, we have reintroduced named contacts for each school to provide a more personalised service.
Please take a look at the attached infographic that provides a useful summary of all of the changes that we've put in place, as well as some of the areas that we are still working hard to improve.
We will be keeping schools posted on progress in all of these areas through Heads Up, so please look out here for further updates over the coming weeks.
All of your comments are really appreciated and we welcome continued feedback to enable us to work together to ensure a high quality of service is available to all Warwickshire schools. If you have any suggestions or queries please feel free to email us at weshrandpayroll@warwickshire.gov.uk.
Thank you again for your continued support and we look forward to working with you during 2019/20.
Ofsted's 2019 Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR) prototype and outline of changes
Ofsted have published the primary IDSR prototype for 2019 data. This is to allow users to become accustomed to the changes before they come into effect. You can find this here:
Using Ofsted’s IDSRImportant notes:
- during November 2019, we will be removing historic IDSRs from Analyse School Performance. Any users wishing to keep a copy of their historic IDSRs are advised to download and save their IDSRs before they are removed later in the autumn term
- the sentences in the IDSR are dynamically generated. As such, schools may have a different number of sentences as well as content. This prototype represents one fictional school only
- this prototype has been compiled prior to the build of the final IDSR product. As such, content may be subject to alterations and amendments.
IDSR changes:In preparing for the EIF, we have re-developed the IDSR. The IDSR will contain fewer charts and will be shorter in length than previous versions. The new IDSR has been designed to:
- Reduce the time spent preparing for an inspection.
- Provide interpretation of the data for inspectors.
- Minimise the focus on small groups that distract the conversation away from meeting the needs of all pupils.
The report will continue to contain areas of interest sentences to highlight important data trends and differences from national data. Existing contextual information will also remain but will be presented in the charts that were in the 2017 IDSR.
What’s new in the IDSR? The new IDSR has:
- New contextual information including workforce census data, financial data, MAT and local authority information and school links.
- New subject attainment sentences at key stage 4 to highlight potential subject areas to focus on.
- Introduction of attainment trend charts.
- Re-structured primary report to focus on subjects across the school, such as reading/literacy.
- Reduced focus on pupil group performance. Group performance measures will now only be highlighted when they differ from that of all pupils.
- Expanded destinations data, to include breakdown of pupil destinations for the past three years.
What else is changing?
- The IDSR will become a new ‘service’ and have its own dedicated area in DfE Sign-In.
- Schools will still be able to access their IDSR through DfE’s Analyse School
- Performance by following a link to the new IDSR service. Schools can then download and save their IDSR as previously. There will not be a requirement for new login details.
We will be publishing a brand-new guidance document which combines the previous primary and secondary documents. This will coincide with the first 2019 IDSR release.
Understanding child and adolescent wellbeing
The Department for Education (DfE) has published a report looking at the influences on children and young people's wellbeing in England from the perspective of 21 practitioners.
Findings from the study found a consensus that the key factors that should be prioritised by practitioners, school leaders and government policy makers to enable a high level of wellbeing include: the nature of the overall educational and school environment; the development of a range of appropriate intrapersonal and interpersonal skills; and a stable and safe family environment.
Source: DfE Date: 12 July 2019
Further information: A system mapping approach to understanding child and adolescent wellbeing (PDF)