WE1 Early Years

Free 'Inclusion Expert' training opportunity

Warwickshire school alliance

Warwickshire Teaching School Alliance is offering free training to provide access to high quality and scalable training for EYFS practitioners across 100+ LAs, initially for the duration of one year. The award-winning training has been the result of a collaboration between Dr Sue Allingham, Daniel Sobel and Isabel Davis.

The Local Authorities that have already trialled this programme have shown tremendous results, with every setting narrowing the attainment gap and achieving outstanding GLD outcomes.

The course
The Inclusion Expert (IE) approach to online training is based on weekly learning that includes:

a.     five-minute video
b.     best practise activity
c.     quick evaluation of impact

This simple process enables staff to pick up essential knowledge and skills, whilst clearly focusing on identified children within the regular course of their work. More details can be found at:

What do you need to do?
If you would like more information or you would like to take part, please contact Michelle Hutton at Warwickshire Teaching School Alliance: hutton.M2@welearn365.com.


Sonia Waszczak: Early Years Adviser

We would like to welcome Sonia Waszczak newly appointed as Early Years and Safeguarding Advisory Teacher to Warwickshire's Early Years team and have invited her to introduce herself in this week's Heads Up....

I have been involved in early years education for over 40 years, initially starting out as a volunteer at a  summer playscheme at the tender age of 16 years before going on to complete my teacher training.  As an Early Years lead, I taught in a range of schools in Birmingham including a special school and a community day nursery.  I am passionate about giving all of our young children the best start in life and providing a stimulating and challenging environment.  My particular areas of expertise within early years are effective pedagogy, special needs and safeguarding. 

Following a successful teaching career I took a secondment, firstly to the local authority’s specialist under-five team, working with settings and families to support children under five years with special educational needs, then moved into advisory teaching and an Area SENCo role.  In 2001, I began working at Solihull Council as an Area Inclusion Coordinator, before taking on a role as an Early Years and School Improvement Adviser supporting schools and settings, including childminders, with all aspects of early years provision.  I developed and delivered an extensive range of training courses which were very well received by practitioners. 

I felt it was time for a change, and I left Solihull at the end of 2017, to take a short break and recharge my batteries.  I then took up a temporary position as an Early Years and Safeguarding Adviser with a charity in Birmingham before applying for the Early Years adviser post in Warwickshire.

I look forward to getting to know Warwickshire, meeting colleagues and practitioners, and working together to ensure achievement of Warwickshire’s new Education Strategy. 

Outstanding Ofsted for Pathfinder Day Nursery

Congratulations to the staff at Pathfinders Nursery in Rugby who recently received ‘Outstanding’ judgements across all of the four inspection areas - leadership and management; quality of teaching, learning and assessment; personal development, behaviour and welfare; and outcomes for children.

Ofsted stated:

"The exceptional leaders and managers of the nursery create a well-organised, efficient and successful learning environment. They are highly reflective and strive to provide children with inspiring and meaningful learning experiences. Their uncompromising pursuit for excellence ensures outstanding outcomes for all children."

"The quality of teaching is consistently high. Staff fully understand the learning styles, preferences and abilities of each child. They provide innovative experiences that captivate children's curiosity and individual interests. Staff skilfully adapt and extend activities to challenge children's thinking and enhance their motivation to learn."

"The quality of interactions between staff and children is exceptional. Settling-in arrangements are well considered to ensure that all children quickly build secure relationships with their key person, which promotes their emotional well-being."

"Staff form excellent partnerships with parents. The manager implements a range of highly successful strategies to positively engage with all families and ensure that all parents are fully included in their child's learning. Staff provide detailed and accurate information regarding children's time spent at the nursery and the progress they make."

"Children's behaviour is exemplary. They are highly motivated to join in with activities and show respect for their environment, their peers and staff. Children are well mannered and consider the needs of others. They take turns in play routines and develop strong friendships with each other."

You can read the full report here: https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/provider/16/EY557868

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