Targeted IAG Services Delivered by Prospects during COVID 19

At this time, Prospects Careers Advisers are still here to help young people who are Not in Education, Employment or Training aged 16-19, or 16-25 if a Care Leaver or with an Education, Health & Care Plan. In Warwickshire the team is able to see young people face – to - face by appointment at their Nuneaton Centre and some outreach venues (all COVID safe environments). They continue to provide support across the county and Coventry City via phone, text, email or video chat. 

Prospects Careers Advisers can help with choosing a career, developing CVs, completing applications etc. Also, the team can support young people to access a range of local training opportunities (including online courses).


Please check their website for more information and contact details:  www.prospectsnow.me

Free Phone: 0800 7313219

Option 1 for Coventry

Option 3 for Warwickshire.

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