WMCA Education Survey

As part of developing the best resources to teach sustainability to young people in the West Midlands and beyond, we have created a 5 minute survey which we would like teachers/education providers of PSHE or Citizenship to complete. The aim of the survey is to understand what types of teaching resources are required and the best ways to deliver them. This survey is part of a larger piece of work which we are currently doing with the objective of giving teachers the most suitable and effective resources to teach sustainability to their pupils. The survey will be an invaluable source of information as knowing what teachers really want is the key to providing the right resources that they will actually find useful.

We would really value your assistance in circulating the survey as widely as possible among teachers/education providers in schools in your areas. We have also included an incentive for completing the survey which is shopping vouchers of £25 each (4 available) when they complete the survey.

Please find attached the Survey link https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/P75X6WX

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