Requesting deferred entry to start school in Reception and requesting for a child to be educated outside of their chronological year group


All schools should now have received an email which contains website links to the process which parents should follow when making a request for their child to be educated outside of their chronological year group, or where a family is requesting deferred entry into Reception due to the child being  ‘summer-born’. The links refer to specific Guidance and a formal Request Form. These can be found on the following website: www.warwickshire.gov.uk/startingprimaryschool

The Government has previously issued a White Paper in respect of such requests and, as a Local Authority, we expect formal legislation to be passed through Government on this particular matter in due course.

It is also the intention of the Local Authority to begin a consultation process which will formalise the current ‘Guidance’ into a formal policy, which we will then ask all schools to comply with as part of both the co-ordinated admissions process for transfer year groups, as well as in-year admissions.

Schools may be contacted in respect of such requests as part of the formal request form advises the parent to make contact with their preferred schools and gain consent from that school to confirm that they would be happy to accept a child who is asking to be admitted outside of their chronological year group, if a place could be offered as part of the normal admissions procedure. Parents are informed throughout the process that a place is not guaranteed at any of their preferred schools, even if the school agrees to a request for deferment.

If schools have any queries about this process, or would like further advice about any particular requests, then they should contact either: Amy Taylor - 01926 742038 or Collette Naven-Jones - 01926 742055.

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