Medical Conditions Awareness Training 2017-18

All primary, secondary and special schools should have received a letter with details of medical conditions awareness training for the academic year 2017-18 (emailed on Tuesday 4 July to the headteacher).

Free training is available for all schools at a number of different dates, times and locations.

The training is for nominated school staff with responsibilities for the children and young people with medical conditions. The number of places available will be dependent on venue capacity.

If you missed this email please contact the School Health & Wellbeing Service on 03300 245 204 or email warwickshireSH&WBService@compass.uk.org

Subsidised school-based training is available for those who would prefer on-site training. The service is able to offer the following 2 courses:

  • Asthma and the administration of pre-prepared adrenaline in response to Anaphylaxis (1 hour)
  • Administration of emergency medication for Epilepsy (1 hour)

The courses cost  £60 each and should be arranged directly with the service.

Schools can choose whether to take one or both of the courses and must raise a purchase order with Compass specifying which course(s) they wish to receive. Schools will be responsible for the local organisation and administration of the courses (e.g. room booking, inviting staff, and recording attendance).

Due to the need for a minimum number of courses being taken up at this rate to make it cost-effective, Public Health Warwickshire will fund any income shortfall with Compass to ensure delivery of the core service is not compromised. We will review the take-up of the courses for the period 1 September 2017 – 31 August 2018 and re-negotiate the reduced rate for the following academic year.


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