Training and networking for Designated Teachers moving online
Warwickshire's Virtual School for Children Looked After (CLA) and Children Previously Looked After (CPLA) will still be offering support and training for Designated Teachers during the autumn term, albeit in a slightly different format than usual.
Some sessions have been adapted and will now be offered online through Microsoft Teams, as there is some uncertainty around whether any face-to-face training will be possible due to Covid-19.
Please find below details of sessions being offered in the autumn term and information on how to book your place.
New to Designated Teacher (DT) training
Have you taken on the role of DT this year or taking over the role in 2020-21? This training will cover understanding the roles and responsibilities of being a DT including the ePEP online system.
This will be delivered through Microsoft Teams with 10 places per session to allow the opportunity for discussion and questions.
Early Years
Wed 16 Sept, 9.30 - 11am
Fri 25 Sept, 1.30 - 3pm
School age (primary and secondary)
Wed 23 Sept, 1.30 - 3pm
Tue 29 Sept, 9.30 - 11am
Thu 8 Oct, 3.30 - 5pm
Tue 13 Oct, 10 - 11.30am
Designated teacher and support staff network meetings
We have been unable to run our first network meetings during the summer term as hoped. Instead, we plan to start these in the autumn term using Microsoft Teams and will move to face-to-face meetings when it is safe to do so.
For the autumn term, meetings will be in geographical areas and will be an opportunity to provide updates and to share good practice and new ideas - a similar format to the Teach Meet meetings. They are for all Designated Teachers and Designated Teacher support staff in any setting.
Rugby area - Thu 22 Oct, 4 - 4.45pm
South Warwickshire - Wed 4 Nov, 4 - 4.45pm
Nuneaton/Bedworth and North Warwickshire - Thu 12 Nov, 4 - 4.45pm
How to Book
To book any of the sessions above please email with the name, date and time of the session being booked and the name and email of the person attending the training, so that the Microsoft Teams invitation can be sent to the correct email address.