New2RE Programme for Newly Qualified teachers of Religious Education in Secondary Schools

The National Association of Teachers of Religious Education (NATRE) has been funded to provide a three year programme of support for RE NQTs. The programme recognises that the teaching of RE requires rapid development of subject specific knowledge and pedagogy and that support for this is not always readily available. By providing a tailored programme to support the NQT that will complement a school’s own programme New2RE has been successful in improving the retention rate of NQTs in RE over the last three years. The benefits of the programme are worth £1000 per year and include NATRE membership, a specialist mentor, a 30 hour residential course, free courses and webinars and printed resources.

Further information on the programme including an application form can be found here https://www.natre.org.uk/news/latest-news/new2re-programme-september-2018/

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