New web-portal to provide schools with access to up-to-date intelligence and reports
** Please look out for an email to the headteacher in September with log in details for Perspective Lite. **
![Pendulum Logo](/img/508/350/350)
During the summer term staff in Education and Learning have been piloting a new module of the Nexus system called Pendulum. Nexus is a secure portal used by local authorities to analyse and report on education data and Pendulum is an additional function that Warwickshire has chosen to adopt to enable the Council to effectively monitor all of it's interactions with schools and settings.
The Pendulum module sits inside Nexus and will be used as a whole Council tool, which will enable us to save management information about schools and settings in one place. This will mean intelligence about individual settings is easily accessible to officers and that this is not lost when members of staff move on.
It offers a 'dashboard' style layout with one page for each school/setting; from this page officers can access:
- the latest Ofsted reports from the Ofsted website
- Records of Visits (these are shared with the school/setting)
- Quick notes (these are not viewable by schools/settings)
The system also includes a location map, school details from the census and live data received for national assessments (primary only). The system will not include any child-level information.
Pendulum allows settings to be sorted into various groupings to provide a useful picture of the provision in a particular area, for example they can be grouped by primary consortia, secondary area partnership and schools within a MAT.
Pendulum is now up and running and being used by officers to store records of visit and information relating to individual settings.
![Perspective Lite Logo](/img/509/350/350)
Perspective Lite is the free toolkit provided to education settings that provides them with a window into Pendulum. It contains a range of tools that will provide up-to-date intelligence in a number of areas such as local authority documents, visit reports, realtime data trends, interactive reports and news. Schools/settings will only be able to view their own page in Perspective Lite, whereas Council officers will have access to the information held on all schools/settings via Pendulum.
![Perspective Lite Infographic](/img/510/550/550)
Infographic - tells the story of your school on a single page
Perspective Lite will be rolled out to to all Warwickshire schools in the autumn term. In September headteachers will receive an email containing log in details for Perspective Lite. Once logged in to the system, this will enable them to view their school's page and to see their 'inbox' where news articles and recent updates are stored.
** Please look out for an email to the headteacher in September with log in details for Perspective Lite. **
Demonstrations in the Autumn Term
To provide some initial training on how the system works, demonstrations will take place at the Secondary Area Headteachers' meetings (CASH, RASH, SWEP, NASCHL) and the Primary Chairs' Consortia Group (formerly PSIB) in September. If primary consortia would like further support then Phil Ransford, Project Manager for the Pendulum role out would be happy to attend individual consortium meetings in the Autumn Term.
In the meantime, if you have any queries you can contact Phil at or by telephone: 01926 742064.