Accident / incident reporting changes (for schools where WCC is the employer)

For all community & voluntary controlled schools, community special schools & maintained nursery schools

Please note that the way that you report accidents, incidents and near misses to the Local Authority has now changed. The WCC online recording system is now available and must now be used. This replaces the paper-based report forms that were previously used.

How do I access the online recording system?

Prior to the Christmas break, a system generated email was sent to all registered users in school. This included a link to the online recording system. 

How do I use the system...?

In order to assist schools, a specific Accident/Incident Recording System User Guide has been produced. This can be downloaded from the WCC schools health and safety document library at www.warwickshire.gov.uk/schoolhsdocs (use normal password to open). Please refer to this document for further information and guidance.

What types of accidents / incidents need to be recorded?

All non-minor accidents, incidents and near misses affecting employees, pupils, parents, visitors, contractors, members of the public and others which relate to school activities (on or off the school premises, including educational visits). 

This includes work-related ill health and violent incidents (verbal and physical) and road traffic incidents, near misses and dangerous occurrences; including outbreak of fire, environmental incidents and security/vandalism/property/equipment damage that has the potential risk of harm to people on-site.

Please refer to the Local authority accident/incident/near miss reporting procedure for schools 

Further queries?

Please contact the WCC Corporate Health, Safety & Wellbeing Service email accidentreport@warwickshire.gov.uk telephone 01926 476803.

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