Young Poet Laureate 2020 – applications now open!

Young poet laureateThe search is now on for the county's sixth Young Poet Laureate.

The competition is aimed at budding poets aged 13-17 who are looking to develop their poetry writing skills and are happy to perform their poetry to an audience. As part of their laureateship, the winner will work with Warwickshire Libraries to promote poetry to people across the county.

Warwickshire’s sixth Young Poet Laureate will receive support to develop his/her own writing and performance skills in the form of mentoring by Jasmine Gardosi, an acclaimed performance poet and writer. They will also work with Warwickshire Libraries to promote poetry to people across the county, with an opportunity to perform their own poetry too.

After being selected as Young Poet Laureate in January 2019, Hannah Owens has had a busy year: 

“Being Young Poet Laureate for Warwickshire is an incredible experience and privilege; you are able to meet really interesting people and poets alike and become part of an amazing poetry community in Warwickshire. You also have the opportunity to see how your poetry develops and how you develop as a performer, and with that what you can do to help other people and inspire them to write or read poetry too.”

Application forms can be found online at: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/youngpoetlaureate. Alternatively, application forms can be obtained from your local Warwickshire library.

Schools can use the attached poster to promote the competition with students.

Deadline for applications is 6pm on Monday 11 November 2019.  The shortlist will be announced on Friday 6 December and shortlisted candidates will be invited to perform in front of judges and an audience at a public event on 18 January 2020

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