New DFE Guidance: Safeguarding children, young people and adult learners vulnerable to Radicalisation in England.

The Department for Education (DfE) has created guidance and resources for safeguarding children, young people and adult learners vulnerable to radicalisation in England.

The guidance looks at understanding, identifying and managing radicalisation risks in education settings and a self-assessment tool has been designed to help schools examine their existing policies and practices.

Guidance is also included on how to report concerns. 

Read the Prevent duty guidance: The Prevent duty: safeguarding learners vulnerable to radicalisation

Access the school self-assessment tool: Prevent duty self-assessment tool for schools

Read the Prevent referral guidance: Making a referral to Prevent

Further information can also be found on WCC safeguarding Warwickshire website prevent

See also on NSPCC Learning > Radicalisation 

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