Next Primary Network Meeting

Please join us for this Free virtual event for any school staff who are involved with running the library/promoting reading at your school (e.g. librarians/teachers/support assistants/literacy co-ordinators).
The theme of the next meeting will be: 'Reading for Pleasure and Learning: Support for schools and families' The session will give you the opportunity to ask questions, network and share ideas/experiences with other teachers and librarians. We will also share lots of useful links, book recommendations, resources, training and CPD opportunities.We will also be welcoming the Warwickshire Family Learning Service to talk about some of the support they offer. 
This will be hosted by Warwickshire Schools Library Service (WSLS) and all schools within our region and surrounding areas are welcome to attend.
To sign-up: please complete this short form available by clicking here and we will send you the meeting link.
We look forward to meeting you soon.

For more information, please contact: schoolslibraryservice@warwickshire.gov.uk 

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