Cyber Safe Warwickshire seeking views of young people on gaming and wellbeing

Cyber Safe Warwickshire wants to get the views of young people and their patterns of gaming during lockdown (between March - September 2020, November - March 2021), so that we can identify the changes in gaming and whether this has had an adverse effect on young people's wellbeing. 

The Warwickshire Gaming Survey 2021 aims to find out the usage, type, time spent on, reasons for gaming and to check whether young people are aware of the risks associated with cyberspace. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.

Cyber Safe Warwickshire is a local resource funded by the Police Crime Commissioner. Abbey and Joe the Cyber Crime Advisors for Warwickshire County Council funded by the Police Crime Commissioner are responsible for delivering the Warwickshire Cyber Crime Action Plan on behalf of Warwickshire community safety partners, focussing on delivering initiatives to prevent and reduce risk of harm from cyber-crimes to individuals. 

Please could those with secondary age children could encourage their children to complete by the end of June.

 Complete the survey here: https://ask.warwickshire.gov.uk/insights-service/2cfd15bd/

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