Applications for an in-year place for next academic year required by 7th July

The Admissions Team have reflected on the processing of in-year applications during the summer term and holiday period last year and to avoid the backlog of applications, which everyone found difficult to deal with, they are informing parents that they need to apply for an in-year place for next academic year by 7th July to be certain of securing a place for September. 

This date will ensure the team have time to process the applications and get responses from schools.  This will also mean that children will be on roll ahead of the census in October, thus securing funding for schools. In order to ensure they can get offers sent out to parents in time for a September start, they ask that applications are processed as quickly as possible, and responses returned to the team promptly. They politely request that schools have a member of staff available during week commencing 23rd August to liaise with the Admissions Team about available places and return any responses sent across to schools during the holiday period.

If you wish to discuss any specific issues regarding your school and this request, please contact Cheryl Wild - Lead Officer for In-Year Admissions and Fair Access on cherylwild@warwickshire.gov.uk or 01926 742061.

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