Ofsted Curriculum Workshop materials
Many of you will have attended the Curriculum Workshops offered by Ofsted recently, in preparation for the launch of the consultation regarding the new inspection framework.
The slides from the event have been made available online, along with some helpful videos explaining some of the key concepts covered during the workshops:
Curriculum Workshop slides
Ofsted’s curriculum research videos
The proposed changes to the framework, announced in October 2018, include:
- four new inspection judgements
- the removal of the separate grade for outcomes for pupils
- a focus on the substance of education and a broad curriculum
- more involvement for classroom teachers
We would strongly encourage headteachers, school staff and parents to respond to the consultation which will run for 12 weeks from 16 January 2019.
Last chance to feedback on the admission arrangements for September 2020
The consultation on the changes to the admissions over-subscription criteria closes tomorrow, Friday 11 January 2019.
In line with the Education Strategy, and narrowing the gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers, the consultation proposes to amend the over-subscription criteria to weight in favour of disadvantaged pupils.
We would like to gain the opinion of as many schools as possible so would like to encourage you to look at the proposed changes and let us know what you think.
The proposals are published on the admissions policies webpage (the consultations are listed in chronological order so please refer to the documents listed with 2020-2021 entry).
Responses and queries should be sent to: schooladmissionsconsultation@warwickshire.gov.uk