DfE-funded training available for early career teachers

Accelerate is a brand-new professional development programme, tailor-made for teachers in the first five years of their career. It’s free for teachers from eligible schools; those that are Ofsted graded 3 or 4 and/or are in a DfE-identified ‘opportunity’ or ‘priority’ area.

Accelerate will provide teachers with the tools and support they need to fast-track their teaching skills and build their confidence. The programme has been specifically designed to improve pupil attainment and keep talented teachers within the profession.

The four-term programme, which aligns with the new Government Recruitment and Retention Strategy, and particularly The Early Career Framework, starts in the 2019 spring term. Registration is currently well underway, and it is advisable to apply as soon as possible as spaces are limited and will be allocated on first-come-first-served basis after eligibility.

How does Accelerate work?

Accelerate delivers evidence-informed training that has been designed around what works and with the demands of a teaching timetable and the needs of the school in mind. The blended learning programme is delivered with maximum flexibility through a unique mix of online learning, expert instructional coaching, workshops and a local peer support network to minimise time away from the classroom. In addition, an in-school mentor will ensure that coaching and support is aligned with school priorities and culture.

The wider school community benefits from specialist training for existing or new mentors while school leaders will be able to access professional development in the use of research and evidence to improve teaching.

Accelerate is designed and managed by Education Development Trust in partnership with The Chartered College of Teaching. Find out more and register at accelerate-teaching.co.uk

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