Ofsted consultation on new inspection framework

Ofsted is currently consulting on it's consultation on the new inspection framework. There are some significant differences to the current framework for schools:

  • Maintained schools and academies waiting to be brokered or re-brokered will receive monitoring visits within nine months
  • The quality of education will be assessed by looking at the intent, implementation and the impact of the school’s curriculum, teaching and the outcomes achieved
  • The new framework has a keen eye on gaming, exclusions and off-rolling as well as arrangements for pupils accessing off-site or alternative provision
  • The safeguarding section has also been expanded to include information on the segregation of pupils whilst in school.

The consultation runs until 11.45pm on 5 April 2019.  

Education Inspection Framework Consultation

Draft copies of the inspection handbooks 

The proposals will affect how Ofsted inspects schools, early years settings and further education and skills providers. 

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