National news

British Science Week 2018 – Funding for Schools

British Science Week (BSW) is an annual celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths that is coordinated by the British Science Association (BSA) and funded by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

Schools in challenging circumstances that want to organise their own events as part of British Science Week (9 -18 March 2018) and need some funding can apply for the following:

  • Grants of up to £300 for schools to run an activity
  • Grants of up to £700 for schools to host a science event or activity which involves the students and the local community

For more information visit: www.britishscienceweek.org/about-us/grants

The Royal British Legion - guide for service children in school

The Royal British Legion has produced a new best practice guide focusing on Service children in school.

The guide looks at some of the big challenges facing Service children today and by sharing examples of good practice from across England (a separate Wales version will shortly be ready), recommends ways in which local authorities, schools and families themselves can improve the experience of Service children in education. Problems associated with admissions into schools and the adverse effects on a Service pupil’s wellbeing are explored, alongside information on the extra funding available to Service children through the Service Pupil Premium, Education Support Fund and more.

Key recommendations include:

  • Encouraging schools to be creative with the use of funding available for Service pupils and share ideas and practice through networks of schools with Service children on the roll.
  • Suggesting that local authorities facilitate collaboration between schools, local military units, and local authority staff to ensure that everyone is aware of the challenges faced by Service children and what can be done to address them.
  • Encouraging Service families to make use of help available from the Ministry of Defence, Department of Education and charities and other organisations such as The Royal British Legion and the three families federations. 

Find out more on The Royal British Legion's website.

National Leaders of Further Education

The Department for Education has recently held a programme to recruit a team of leaders to provide specialist support to FE colleges judged as ‘Requires Improvement’ or ‘Inadequate’ in their most recent Ofsted inspection. 
The National Leaders of Further Education (NLFE) will be comprised of experts from the FE sector. 
Successful applicants will provide mentoring and support to develop the skills of senior staff and will partner their colleges on the delivery of improvement programmes. 
You can read more about the programme on the government's website.
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