Area Analysis Groups
The Area Analysis Groups (AAG) have been recently set up and sit directly below the established Education Challenge Board at Tier 2 of the new framework, as the brokering and operational tier. The AAGs will look at data and take into account the context surrounding a school to identify those that are category C and D.
The groups have their own terms of reference and code of conduct for representatives. It is hoped that the group will provide support and transparency of information for the consortia of schools in Warwickshire. As the groups are formed into broad localities, this ensures the representatives who sit on the group have a much deeper and wider knowledge of the challenges and context of each school or academy.
The AAGs have representation from the LA maintained and academy primary, secondary and special schools, as well as the Education Challenge Board, Teaching Schools and the Local Authority. The Local Authority is providing initial guidance, the all-important contextual data behind each school and any other useful information to enable the representatives to offer specifically targeted support to schools that need it. The Analysis Groups are keen that any support is reciprocal and therefore it is the role of these representatives to feed back to the consortia on schools discussed. This will result in shared openness rather than closed door discussions.
Each Analysis Group will have their own areas for development. The central area, for example, has identified their areas as;
- Moderation
- Resilience and mental health
- Closing the Gap
- Disadvantaged higher attainers
- Parental engagement
Other groups will have different areas for development, unique to the schools in the consortia.
With these areas of focus in mind it will enable the group to submit funding bids, via the teaching schools, to really focus on these areas of school improvement. Again, in the spirit of transparency all schools can contribute to the School Improvement Funding bids by using the Analysis Group as the vehicle to accommodate this.
With the engagement of all schools in the consortia this model of support will be very beneficial, putting a much needed tier between the Education Challenge Board and schools. There are many positives transpiring already from the first meetings; collaboration, targeted school to school support, really refining what each school can offer in the way of support and the chance to look at other schools as real establishments, with real children and staff. The groups have the capacity to support all schools to move forward and deliver Warwickshire’s aim of every child attending a good or better school.
Please see the Membership of the Area Analysis Groups for details of representatives.
Written by Darren Barrow, central area ECB and Area Analysis Group representative and headteacher of St John's Primary School, Kenilworth