Schools in Warwickshire receive prestigious award
Two schools in Warwickshire have received the Quality Lead Award from leading education charity Achievement for All. Bedworth Heath Maintained Nursery School and Boughton Leigh Infant School in Rugby have both worked hard to improve progress in reading, writing and maths for all pupils, particularly those with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities.
Achievement for All works with schools and settings to improve outcomes for all children and young people vulnerable to underachievement regardless of background, challenge or need. The prestigious award recognises a school's work in developing children's personal social and emotional development and also their progress in physical development, communication skills and early literacy and numeracy.
Atherstone Nursery School, Bedworth Heath's federated partner school, is also on the way to Quality Lead status having been awarded the Achievement for All Quality Mark.
Amanda King, Executive Head teacher of Bedworth Heath and Atherstone nursery schools said: "We are so proud that Bedworth Heath School has achieved the Quality Lead award which recognises the dedication and expertise our team bring to their work in school every day.”
"Working with Achievement for All over the last five years has had a clear impact on outcomes for children, enabling them to make consistently outstanding progress and us to close the attainment gap for our vulnerable groups.”
"We are just as proud that Atherstone Nursery School, which began working with Achievement for All two years later than Bedworth Heath, has achieved Quality Mark status, as exactly the same standards and objectives apply there."
Boughton Leigh Infant School was given a glowing report from Achievement for All’s Deputy Regional Lead Sue Burrows who reviewed the work going on at BLIS. She says:
“We are delighted to present Boughton Leigh Infant School with this prestigious award – a real stamp of quality for their high standards in leadership, teamwork, quality of teaching and pupil progress. The target groups we have been working with have made more than expected progress and are closing the gap with their peers."
“Achievement for All believes that every child can progress and through our programmes we hope to enable every child to be the best that they can be regardless of background, challenge, or need.”
Pictured are Karen Iles (National Director of Achievement for All), three-year-old Eva-May and Bedworth Heath Nursery School executive head Amanda King.
Celebrating achieving AfA Quality Lead status are Boughton Leigh Infant School teacher and AfA Champion Chris Cartwright (left) and Head teacher Andrew Moorcroft.